Anything You Want ...

"Anything You Want" by Derek Sivers consists of 40 short lessons or insights about entrepreneurship and building a successful business.

This book offers valuable insights and unconventional wisdom for aspiring entrepreneurs, and anyone interested in business and personal growth. Derek Sivers' experiences and perspectives encourage readers to approach their entrepreneurial journey with authenticity, purpose, and a customer-centric mindset.

Lesson 1: Why Start a Business?
Derek shares his experiences and thoughts on why he started his business, CD Baby. He emphasizes the importance of personal fulfillment and having a clear purpose.

Lesson 2: Values and Priorities
The significance of establishing core values and priorities in your business, and how these guide your decisions.

Lesson 3: Starting a Business: You Don't Need a Plan
The idea that it's okay not to have a grand business plan from the outset. Start small and adjust as you go.

Lesson 4: Start Now. No Funding Needed
Derek explains that you can start a business without external funding. He used $500 and did everything himself when founding CD Baby.

Lesson 5: Scaling Up
The challenges and risks associated with growing your business too quickly, and the benefits of staying small and nimble.

Lesson 6: Why You Shouldn't Hire
Derek suggests that hiring should be the last resort. It's often better to do everything yourself or find creative solutions.

Lesson 7: Making Decisions
How to make effective decisions by focusing on what's best for your customers.

Lesson 8: The Importance of Trust
Building trust with your customers is paramount. Always think from their perspective.

Lesson 9: Planning as You Go
How to plan for the future by reacting to the present instead of trying to predict it.

Lesson 10: Do It for the Right Reasons
Emphasizes the importance of your motivations for starting a business. Don't do it solely for money.

Lesson 11: Turning Down a Million Dollars
Derek shares an anecdote about turning down a tempting buyout offer and why he chose to stay true to his values.

Lesson 12: Staying Small
The benefits of staying small and not aiming for massive growth.

Lesson 13: Embracing Constraints
How constraints can be a source of creativity and innovation.

Lesson 14: Solving a Problem
The most successful businesses often start by solving a personal problem.

Lesson 15: Start with What You Have
Don't wait for the perfect resources or conditions. Start with what's available.

Lesson 16: Ignore the Details Early On
Focus on the big picture and don't get bogged down by minor details in the early stages.

Lesson 17: Making an Easy Business
Simplicity and making things easy for your customers can set you apart.

Lesson 18: How to Dream Big
How to balance dreaming big with practical, incremental progress.

Lesson 19: Delegate or Die
The importance of delegation as your business grows.

Lesson 20: Let Your Business Fund Itself
Don't rely on external funding; use the revenue your business generates to fund its growth.

Lesson 21: Learning from Mistakes
Embrace mistakes as learning opportunities.

Lesson 22: How to Create a Hit
Derek explains that there's no formula for creating a hit product, but you can focus on creating something meaningful and unique.

Lesson 23: One Thing Well
Concentrate on doing one thing exceptionally well.

Lesson 24: Be a Great Boss
If you have to hire employees, focus on being a great boss to create a positive work environment.

Lesson 25: Get a Plan B
Always have a backup plan.

Lesson 26: No "Yes." Either "Hell Yeah!" or "No."
Derek's principle for making decisions: if it's not a resounding "Hell Yeah," say no.

Lesson 27: The World Is Changing
Adapt to changing circumstances and technologies.

Lesson 28: Keep Your Ears Fresh
Continuously seek feedback and stay attuned to your customers' needs.

Lesson 29: Start with No
Start by saying "No" and then consider what to add, rather than starting with a "Yes."

Lesson 30: Hell Yeah or No
Emphasizes the importance of passion and commitment.

Lesson 31: Don't Punish Everyone for One Person's Mistake
Avoid implementing sweeping policies or rules to address the actions of a single individual.

Lesson 32: Making It Easy to Say Yes
Design your business and offers in a way that makes it easy for customers to say "Yes."

Lesson 33: The Meaning of Life
Reflects on the purpose of life and business.

Lesson 34: Trust, but Verify
Trust your employees but also verify their work.

Lesson 35: Be a Celebrant
Celebrate your successes, both big and small.

Lesson 36: (Obvious to You) Helpful to Others
Recognize that what seems obvious to you might be highly valuable to others.

Lesson 37: Start with No Business Model
Start with a great product or service and worry about the business model later.

Lesson 38: Don't Copy
Be original and avoid copying others.

Lesson 39: Three Years for a Big Idea
How patience and persistence can lead to the realization of a big idea.

Lesson 40: Proudly Exclude People
Sometimes, it's okay to exclude certain customers or opportunities if they don't align with your values.
